Lesson 2 Vocabulary and grammar

Someone who speaks two languages fluently = bilingual, multilingual

strawberry jam  windmill  a rollercoaster

It’s time to buy new running shoes.  Mine are completely worn out.

generous with money/time   opposite = stingy   (“stin-djee”)

He is very stingy and never buys anyone a drink

He donates blood several times a year. He is a blood donor.

My brother’s/sister’s daughter = my niece

My brother’s/sister’s son = my nephew

Plan ahead!



young, old, small, big, large, old, kind

-er than…


expensive, populated, traditional, modern, handsome

more ____ than

funny, ugly, pretty, tasty, silly,

60s architecture is uglier than old architecture.

Japanese food is tastier/more delicious than English food.


Tokyo is bigger/ than London.

L is smaller than T

T is more populated than London.

London is more expensive than Tokyo

Sweden is calmer/smaller/bigger/less populated than my country.


Have you ever been to Canada?  When did you go there?  When were you there?

Have you ever seen the Northern Lights? When did you see them?

Where did you go on holiday last year?

have/has = no time

I’ve never seen them.

Could you please pull down the blind?  pull down the screen.

Touch wood/Knock on wood

There is a train strike in England today.

The drivers are on strike.

The Tube strike has been called off.  (cancelled recently, I’ve just heard the news)

Talk about the photos.

What is in the photos? How would you describe them?

How would you describe the rooms in your house generally?  Do you own lots of things or are you a minimalist?

messy – it’s cluttered

clutter (= lots of mess) –  disorganised/disorganized

Do you wash your dishes by hand or use a dishwasher?

I sewed the cushion by hand.

I live on the corner of the road.

in the corner of the photo

clean and tidy

volunteer – work without being paid

to do voluntary work

active  opposite = lazy, inactive

a “fur kid” – my pets

She is allergic to cat fur

She works as a volunteer at her daughter’s sports club.

He works as a nurse at the clinic

She drinks like a fish  (= similar)

I usually give/donate books and clothes to charity.

Thank you for your donation.



What makes you happy?

Do you know anyone who is generous?  In what ways are they generous?

Have you ever worked as a volunteer?

What kind of charities do you support and why those?

Have you ever given anything away (or sold anything) and then regretted it?



Does money make you happy?  Yes, it does.

Is he late?  Yes, he is

Do you want some coffee?  Yes, I do

Parents spend a lot of money on their kids.

She spends a lot of time on her studies.

Working with children is very rewarding  (= I get something back)


I had/drank some beers at the party.

I had a fried egg for breakfast

Before I moved/came to Sweden, I worked/lived/taught English in Japan.

went, took, ate  “ett/eight” , caught, did, saw, drove, fought, made, rode, drank, let

write – wrote


I’ve lived in Japan.

When did you live there? I’ve lived there at the end of the 90s

I lived there at the end of the 90s

I‘ve seen the Northern Lights.

When?  I saw them in April.

  • eat – ate – eaten
  • teach – taught – taught
  • ride – rode – ridden
  • keep – kept – kept
  • meet – met – met
  • wore – worn      Have you ever worn a school uniform?`  My son’s jeans are worn out.
  • grew – grown
  • heard – heard  “hurd”
  • speak – spoke  – spoken
  • cut – cut
  • let -let
  • wrote – written
  • sang – sung
  • read – read “redd”
  • lost – lost – lost
  • swim – swam – swum   / sing sang sung
  • sleep – slept – slept   I slept for 8 hours last night
  • threw – thrown
  • see – saw – seen
  • put put put
  • cost cost cost


known  did


(made a decision)


