B1 Vocabulary and grammar – Lesson 6

English in the Morning #6

What’s the date today?  Wednesday, 20th September  (the “twen-tee-yeth”)

Answers (Grammar Focus 2A p. 147)

a 1 asked   2 bought 3 danced  4 enjoyed  5 found 6 forgot  7 knew 8 learnt/learned  9 hurried 10 met  11 offered  12 preferred  13 relaxed 14 said 15 wore

b 2 arrived; didn’t arrive 3 were weren’t  4 ate; didn’t eat  5 didn’t rain; rained 6 didn’t spend; spent; 7 spoke; didn’t speak  8 had; didn’t have

c 2 When did your bags arrive? 3 What did you wear? 4 Were the people friendly?  5 What was the weather like? 6 What kind of food did you eat? 7 Did you have a good time?


a fire extinguisher   “eks-sting-gwee-shur”

Carl Milles was a sculptor.  He created sculptures.

a puffin

I don’t want to feed pigeons with my hands. I think it’s unhygienic.

I tried to swim against the current.

We are an odd number of students today.  (9,11,13 or 8,10,12,14?)

– a visa

– phone charger

– a charging cable

– lightening cable

– tickets

– credit card

– prescription medicine

– painkillers,

– over-the-counter medicines

– swimsuit, swimming trunks, swimming shorts

– swimming goggles and hat


Let’s go anti-clockwise

to go in a clockwise direction

We swapped email addresses, we swapped phone numbers, and I swap jigsaw puzzles with friends

a trailer

a campervan  /  a motorhome (USA)

a caravan

The car was towing a caravan

When we broke down, the car was towed away.

a tow truck

to pay a fine

a wheel clamp

I bought a fridge magnet

I went to Greece and ate some traditional Greek food.

greasy food  (= oily, fatty food)

We stayed in a luxury hotel.

I think baklava is quite sweet. In fact it’s quite sickly.  (= lots of sugar/fat)


island, aisle  (silent “s”)


castle, whistle, listen (silent “t”)   “lissen”

a pyramid

a chandelier

a traffic jam

the rush hour

a stressful situation

to commute to work by car

the London Underground


stale air  (opp = fresh)



a delayed flight

a blindfold

We went on a coach holiday to Italy last year.

I passed my driving test first time!

I passed the theory test, but unfortunately failed the practical test.  (“fay-yulled”)

Buses going out to Nacka have their own bus lane.

cycle lanes

If you drive in a bus lane you can be fined.

If you drive into Stockholm on weekdays, you have to pay congestion charges/toll charges.


to board the plane

to be in a rush/in a hurry

plan  plane

They treated their passengers very badly

She treated her children with respect.