Vocabulary from extension course – Lesson 1 (1/12)

Dare to Speak 1/12

We watched the World Cup together.

  • I usually go there in the morning.
  • I used to go there = I don’t anymore
  • I’m used to going there = I’m familiar with it

Hotel prices in the centre of London are exorbitant.   “ek-zår-bi-tunt”

a skid pan

He skidded on the ice.

a steering wheel

I was towed away

I was wheel clamped.

a wheel clamp

the boot/the trunk

the bonnet/the hood

Every cloud has a silver lining.

Covid had its silver linings.

I appreciate/value family time more

to attend a funeral/a wedding/a meeting

Summer 2020 =  the summer before last.

Summer 2024 = the summer after next

When I got Covid, I was off sick for 10 days.

When I had my operation, I was on sick leave/signed off sick for a month.

an advent calendar

advent candles

a gingerbread house and trees

mulled wine



saffron buns

We lit a candle

the dough

a ready-made mixture

edible glue

Do you make it from scratch?


  • What are some of the most popular festivals or celebrations in your country? When are they celebrated?
  • Are they celebrated as a family or a group?
  • Are they religious holidays?
  • Is attending a temple or a church on that day part of the celebration?
  • Are there special foods connected with the celebrations?
  • Is gift giving a part of these festivals? Are there specific types of gifts to be given?
  • What are some of the things that are done at this festival or celebration?
  • Do you enjoy the festival?
  • What activities normally take place at festivals?
  • Do you decorate your house for the celebration?
  • Are there special songs associated with the celebration?
  • Are there different festivals held in different regions within your country?
  • Can you tell me about the wedding traditions in your country?
  • Are all wedding ceremonies religious, or can there be non-religious ceremonies as well?
  • Describe a wedding you’ve been to or heard about.
  • What gifts do guests usually give to the bride and groom?
  • Are there any traditional wedding dances or songs in your country?
  • Do you celebrate New Year’s Eve in your country? How do you celebrate it?
  • Do you enjoy going to festivals? Why / Why not?
  • Talk about a festival/celebration you have experienced, or would like to experience, from another country/culture.

We tied up the boat to the jetty




visit a place, visit a person

attend a christening, a wedding, a funeral, a meeting

He was christened in the local church

“to be hatched, matched, dispatched”

It’s for everyone.

It’s open to everyone.

ledtråd – a clue
