We started the new term. Welcome both the earlier learners and the new joiners!

-I. We did self-introduction with the below questions:

Ni jiao shenme mingzi? 你叫什么名字?(what is your name?)

Ni shi naguo ren? 你是哪国人?(which country are you from?)

Ni laizi nali? 你来自哪里?(where are you from? where is your origin?)

Ni xihuan shenme? 你喜欢什么?(what do you like?)

Ni shuo shenme yuyan? 你说什么语言?(which language(s) do you speak?)

Ni zuo shenme gongzuo? 你做什么工作?(what is your profession?)

Ni zhu zai nar? 你住在哪儿?(where do you live?)

new words: gongchengshi 工程师 (engineer), xiaoxue laoshi 小学老师 (primary school teacher), jingli 经理 (manager)

II. We started 0.6 in unit 0. From page 24. We read the text on page 24, 25. Important knowledge of this text:

  1. describe times of a day.

Zaoshang 早上 (early morning), shangwu上午 (morning), zhongwu中午 (noon), xiawu下午 (afternoon), wanshang晚上 (evening)

2. The days of a week

Xingqi yi星期一 (Monday), xingqi er星期二 (Tuesday), xingqi san星期三 (Wednesday), xingqi si星期四 (Thursday), xingqi wu星期五 (Friday), xingqi liu星期六 (Saturday), xingqi ri星期日 (= xingqi tian星期天) (Sunday)

III. We practiced days of a week.

— 2 yue月 7 hao号 xingqi ji星期几? (which day is the 7th Feb?)

— 2 yue月 7 hao号 xingqi san星期三. (7th Feb is Wednesday)