囚鸟 jailed bird qiú niǎo

我是被你囚禁的鸟   wǒ shì bèi nǐ qiú jìn de niǎo
I’m a bird jailed by you

已经忘了天有多高yǐ jīng wàng le tiān yǒu duō gāo
I’ve forgotten how high the sky was.

如果离开你给我的小小城堡rú guǒ lí kāi nǐ gěi wǒ de xiǎo xiǎo chéng bǎo
If I leave the little castle you gave me

不知还有谁能依靠bú zhī hái yǒu shéi néng yī kào
whoelse can I depend on

我是被你囚禁的鸟wǒ shì bèi nǐ qiú jìn de niǎo
I’m the bird jailed by you

得到的爱越来越少dé dào de ài yuè lái yuè shǎo
Little by little I receive love from you

看着你的笑在别人眼中燃烧kàn zhe nǐ de xiào zài bié rén yǎn zhōng rán shāo
Looking at your smile buring in others’ eye

我却要不到一个拥抱wǒ què yào bú dào yí gè yōng bào
but can not get a hug

我像是一个你可有可无的影子wǒ xiàng shì yī gè nǐ kě yǒu kě wú de yǐng zi
It seems like I’m a shadow of you which means nothing

冷冷的看着你说谎的样子lěng lěng de kàn zhe nǐ shuō huǎng de yàng zi
staring at you lying coldly


这撩乱的城市zhè liáo luàn de chéng shì
This is a blinding city

容不下我的痴róng bú xià wǒ de chī
which cann’t contain my stupid love

是什么让你这样迷恋这样的放肆shì shén mè ràng nǐ zhè yàng mí liàn zhè

yàng de fàng sì
what made you so crash so presumtuous

我像是一个你可有可无的影子wǒ xiàng shì yí gè nǐ kě yǒu kě wú de yǐng zi
It seems like I’m a shadow of you which means nothing

和寂寞交换着悲伤的心事hé jì mò jiāo huàn zhe bēi shāng de xīn shì
changing the sadly mood from longlyness

对爱无计可施duì ài wú jì kě shī
nothing to do with love

这无味的日子zhè wú wèi de rì zi
the insipid live

眼泪是唯一的奢侈yǎn lèi shì wéi yī de shē chì
tears are the only luxury

我的眼泪是唯一的奢侈wǒ de yǎn lèi shì wéi yī de shē chì
my tears are the only luxury


Sångerska : 彭羚péng líng


Sångerska och sångare : 彭羚péng líng  张宇zhāng yǔ


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